Chris McElroy aka Namecritic is a web guru - ask him and he'll tell you.
Just put his name into google and you'll find dozens of listings for him so he looks like he knows what he's talking about.
Fooled us.
Fact is this guy is a scam artist who took our money and delivered a pile of the brown stuff.
Put namecritic in your google and the results are very impressive...until you see that all the references are to blogs and posts he and his company have been putting up themselves......hardly qualifies him as a web guru it's just blowing your own trumpet!
Seems like we ain't the only ones Chris McElroy has pissed off and we're going to bring the horror stories to you using the very media Namecritic claims he is the master of...the blog.
We'll start with a look at some of Namecritic's "philanthropic" activities such as The Kidsearch Network that "advocates" for missing children.
That sounds great - wow - what a guy!
That's what we thought to begin with.
On the donation page of their website you'll find some "success" stories seems like there was a missing kid in the neighborhood of an office Namecritic had at that time so they handed some flyers out.
Look closely though and you'll see "Donations are not tax deductible" - why not?
This is a charitable non-profit isn't it?
Nope - it's owned by ......Mr C McElroy and that's where your donations end up - in Namecritics pocket.
Look even closer and you'll see this missing kid was way back in 1999 and all they did was hand some flyers out? Seems like not very much to be asking for donations for?
So what are Chris McElroy and Namecritic, Inc up to?
What they're doing is scraping photos from law enforcement websites of missing kids and duplicating them as part of a webring to generate traffic and higher rankings for paying customers web sites who don't seem to mind making money out of someone's misery.
The idea according to Chris is to gain link popularity and achieve higher rankings for commercial paying client web sites.
Well we wouldn't want to let Namecritic aka Chris McElroy or them down here are some links to the commercial websites that are making money off missing kids and their families:
Enjoy the links guys -some missing kids are helping you get them.
Another cowardly post. Again, anonymous, showing what a coward you are.
The last search I did for a missing child was last year, not 1999. That story is about how we started.
And the child was not in the neighborhood of our office and we did a lot more than just pass out some flyers.
We organized a search and found that child ourselves without police assistance. We also aided in the capture of her abductor.
If you want to attack me, don't be such a coward. Pick on my business or whatever you please, but when you talk about my involvement with missing children, you touch on something I really care about and it makes you look like a complete asshole and a moron at the same time for not getting all the facts before you post.
Come on coward. Reveal yourself if you are such an honest person exposing a scammer. It should not bother you to say who you are if YOU are not the scammer and you have proof I am.
Come out of hiding coward. Face me. You can't and won't/ Cowards never do.
You'll delete the post, but I'm going to give you some link popularity from my own blogs and will answer you there as well so all will see you are nothing but a liar, a scammer, and a coward.
Do you think this could be the work of Mr. Karl Hindle?
Thanks - we'll be sure to look up Mr Karl Hindle and see what he has to add to the conversation :)
PS we are not going to be deleting anything so thanks for the link love :)
Your moronism is showing. And you are still a coward.
Come into the light! Face me in public coward.
Still anonymous coward?
Still waiting for you to admit who you are to everyone. Then they can judge for themselves.
You know what you piece of dogshit. How dare you claim that nothing was done for children.
Let me share a little something something with you lowlife.
I PERSONALLY have searched for several missing children with Mr. McElroy.
I PERSONALLY have pulled the body of a murdered child out of the bottom of a swimming pool.
Now. Wanna throw rocks you fucking prick? throw em. I fucking dare ya.
Response to anonymous aka namecritic aka chris mcelroy
The only thing you're pulling is between your legs - if you can find it :)
You're a crook, a fraud and a scam artist.
My name is not Namecritic :)
You know, it isn't just my lawyer that will be coming after you now. Several clients of mine are about to nail you. I'm looking forward to it. You think you remained anonymous? LOL. You do not know the web at all.
I happen to know chris personally and have worked for him, the things that you are saying about him are not true, and sadly only people that truely know him will be able to see thru your lies.
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